In a tragic turn of events that unfolded in the early hours of Thursday morning in Sultanpur Lodhi, Kapurthala, a deadly clash erupted between Punjab Police and Nihang Sikhs, resulting in the death of Home Guard Jawan Jaspal Singh and injuries to four policemen. The violent confrontation was
Police officials and Nihangs of the Buddha Dal revealed curious details about Nihang Aman Singh, adding to the many perplexing aspects about Lakhbir’s death.
The Nihangs: Sikh Warrior Creed That Evokes Respect And Fear In Equal Measure - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
AMRITSAR: Despite the death of their two ‘jan bhais (horses as known in Nihang ’s parlance) who lost their lives to the farmer s cause during the January 26 tractor rally in Delhi, Nihangs are still committed to continue to extend their support to the farmers.
Baba Baldev Singh , Jathedar of Gurdwara Baba Jaimal Singh Ji (Rab Da Kutta), Chauni Budha Dal, Delhi said two ‘jan bhais’ namely Gehna and Mor, belonging to Buddha Dal and Tarna Dal, died on January 26 due to the use of tear gas by the police.
“This is not a small issue for Nihangs” he said.
Nihangs are an order of Sikh warriors who are easily identifiable with their blue robes and traditional arms.