trusted. they have their own territorialp ambitions in the lead up to putin s invasion by the administration . they shared us intel with chinah and asked them to discourage russia from attacking china didt the exact opposite and they immediately gave our intelligence to vladimir putin o utinand russia. now as we speak, china is veryit much aligned with russia in every way. the country is now a majorsi purchaser of russian oil and gas and of course russia s oil and gas revenue isch what makes putin rich a and russia richer again. the higher the price, the more money putin has to spend on his bloody war and his territorial ambitions. the u.s. could drive down the price of oil and gas right now by drilling by fracking, by refining, by producing more fossil fuels here at home, getting in more canadian oil. bu little justin, he s willing toli do it. but the climate cult eco socialist that is the new hedemocratic socialist party ,