international standard for coronaviruses, dr. barak sees bsl 2 is too risky. we do all our work under bsl 3 conditions. we wear portable breathing apparatuses with tieback suits so workers are protected from anything that might be in the laboratory. now the wuhan institute virology is best known for its world class bsl 4 lab which became fully operational in 2018. those labs handle the world s most dangerous microbes with no known cures or treatments. this laboratory will mainly be used for research on highly pathogenic infectious diseases for which there are currently no medicine or vaccines. but in the year that it opened, u.s. diplomats visited the lab and expressed their concerns. they told their washington colleagues if a lab accident happened at this lab it could cause an outbreak of a bat coronavirus pandemic.
wuhan institute of virology. over the course of 2021, barack has grown increasingly concerned about lab safety at the wiv. their papers indicate they did much of their work with these bat viruses under biology safety 2 conditions. there are four tiers of biosafety. bsl 1 is the lowest. and bsl 2, pathogens with known vaccines or cures like measles can be worked on. lab coats and gloves are worn and all work is performed under a biological safety cabinet hood. eye protection and face shields are optional. some critics have likened bsl 2 conditions to a dental office. there are many more laboratory accidents or laboratory acquired infections in bsl 2 as compared to bsl 3. while there is no
why do you think there is such a renewed interest in the lab leak theory? there are sinecientists speag out that can t rule out the lab leak. he is one of them. he s also one of the world s top bat coronavirus researchers. his lab develops some of the most effective treatments for covid-19 and he has collaborated in the past with dr. shi zhengli. over the course of 2021, he has grown increasingly concerned about lab safety at the w.i.v. their papers indicate they do much of the work with these bat viruses under biological safety two conditions. there are four tiers of bio safety. bsl 1 is the lowest. bsl 2 pathogens with known
vaccines or measles can be worked on. lab coats and gloves are worn and it s performed under a hood. eye protection and face shields are optional. some critics have likened bsl 2 conditions to a dental office. there are many more laboratory accidents or laboratory acquired infections bsl 2 compared to bsl 3. while there is no international bsl standard, he says bsl 2 as far too risky. we do all of the research in our lab on bat related coronaviruses under biological safety three enhanced conditions. we wear portable air breathing apparatuses with suits so workers are protected from anything that might be in the laboratory. now, the wuhan institute of virology is best known for its world class bsl 4 lab which became fully operational in 2018.
more natural environment and do something which blends into the background and that s something that i think a mom and child will want to look at when the child gets married, that s the picture that you put up on the screen. clayton: a simple background, too, so it doesn t take away from the baby. 100% right. a lot of people are out in the yard today. i love this. a photo 0 what not to do. a shot and random things in the background. the lawn chairs. clayton: and it seems that the family is not the center of the attention. one of the techniques, filling the frame and fill it with your subject, not bag, and checks great ad for home depot, selling grass. here they re posed more cleverly, too. i brought with me a cannon camera, sl 1. the good thing, it s light and compact and you can shoot at a wide apiture, with a long lens