Attorney general, Kathleen Kane announces the plans to track them all down. And kobe bryant is spending time in town. But the big story is the wet and rainy forecast. People are armed with rain gear seen at st. Joes this morning and accuweather says this is only the beginning. Karen rogers is in for david murphy with the latest from stormtracker 6 live double scan. Hi rick, not words you like to hear only the beginning, stormtracker 6 live double scan showing us we have had mostly light rain, steady but light rain but what we are looking at now is a change moving in currently, can you you can see this on double scan and the rain is picking up in intensity a little bit and youll deal with that during the afternoon, we have this rain not just today but tomorrow as well. We have stormtracker 6 live double scan, an area of low pressure off the coastline that continues to pump in the easterly flow and bringing us moist conditions and low visibility in the area, and we have a cold front that
Joan Adele Thompson Uebele died on March 23, 2015 after a 367 day journey through cancer and 75 glorious year's journey through life. She was the wife of Cl
City budget officials are preparing a menu of options, including a 5% cut in non-personnel general fund spending, another 5% in cuts and "potential revenue opportunities."