Anchor millions of lottery players hope that six little balls will translate into a big payoff. The Lottery Jackpot has grown to 1. 5 billion, the largest in history. He did catch up with some of the powerball players tonight. They were looking to strike it rich. John the poll is plenty powerful. The powerball pot is peaking at over 1. 5 billion. That is plenty of passed away pocket. Players are picking. Im going to pick one number and the rest im going to lead to chance. I have got the winning ticket. I would have really big dreams. Im a volleyball coach. I would get a facility that is really big. They would be a lot of surprises for a lot of people. John retailers are profiting two. Hacking away a percentage of each play. Perhaps this is the Perfect Match where it is in your possession. We will see how it all plays anchor if you want tonight, who will be your most important ally . Your attorney . Your Financial Planner . Your spouse . You notice we dont put your longlost uncle alf. T