School safety against targeted violence. I want to welcome everybody to the hearing room. I actually want to thankour witnesses for taking the time for your testimony. And in particular i want to give a shout out to max and tom and your families and the other families of the families for attending here and for just your unbelievable dedication turning your tragedy into hopefully some positive action that can prevent tragedies for other families, its remarkable what so many of the families have done in reaction to so many of these tragedies which date back to about 1998 is where we had the first directed attack, numbers of 56. I know in your testimony youre talkingabout 710 shootings since columbine in 1999. Columbine, 13 people were killed, 12 students, one teacher, 21injured, sandy hook in 2012, 26 killed. Two were injured and parkland, at Marjorie Stoneman douglas school, 17 killed and 17 injured. Anthe death and casualty toll is simply unbelievable, quite honestly. I grew up in the