later, but his struggle with drink and drugs continued. at times, his life was chaotic. did sean ever talk about being suicidal? that he had suicidal thoughts? yes, he did. he started saying, mummy, i don t want to be here any more. and i d be like, don t say that. don t say that. as the years passed, talk of suicide turned into suicide attempts, and sean s mental health got worse. dr brodie paterson is an expert in psychiatric treatment. we showed him a report into sean s care. well, in sean s case, alongside suicide attempts, he was also self harming and he was hearing messages. what would that tell you about his mental health? from a diagnostic point of view, that would suggest psychosis. the history of self harm, and if there were immediate issues around self harm,
An open letter to Andrea Sutcliffe (Nursing and Midwifery Council), the Council of Deans, approved education institutions, chief nursing officers and national bodies, which hold influence over nurse education in the UK.