Blood Red Road meets “The Snow Queen” in this winter-bound Western YA novel following 16-year-old Jorie Harrow, who scavenges dead men outside the Gold Rush town of Shadow Springs, where spring hasn’t come for a generation.
Sunny-Side Up by Jacky Davis, illus. by Fiona Woodcock. Greenwillow, $17.99; ISBN 978-0-06-257307-0. This picture book offers a realistic take on how much emotional stamina can be required to make it through a day gone wrong when the protagonist’s mother leaves for the day.
Paris by Phone by Pamela Druckerman, illus. by Benjamin Chaud. Putnam, $17.99; ISBN 978-0-399-16506-1. Having shown adults the ways of French parenting in 2014’s
21 most anticipated book releases for February 2021
Time to get some chocolate and go on a date with a book. The Tempest
[Image description: a collage of 8 books coming out in February 2021 on a pink background] Via Amazon and The Tempest
[Image description: a collage of 8 books coming out in February 2021 on a pink background] Via Amazon and The Tempest
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I don’t know about you, but where I live, this month is all about Valentine (and Galentine)’s Day. Maybe I’ve just been single too long (no such thing), but I think the best date is a blanket and a good book. Books will never leave you… unlike some people.
Barack Obama Gushes About Daughter Malia s British Boyfriend in Rare Candid Moment
The former president of the U.S. reveals that her eldest daughter s boyfriend quarantined with his family at the beginning of the pandemic because he was stuck in the country. Dec 19, 2020
AceShowbiz -
While Barack Obama and his wife Michelle are not ones who avoid discussion about their family, it s not the case with their two daughters who are notoriously private about their personal lives. But now the former president himself has dished on his daughter Malia Obama s love relationship, which has become the subject of interest of many Americans.