While the Rs 14 crore Bentley Mulsanne EWB Centenary Edition is quite popular on social media platforms, not many people know about its owner VS Reddy.
Not Mukesh Ambani, Gautam Adani or Gautam Adani, but this business tycoon is the proud owner of India's most expensive car, which costs a staggering Rs 14 crore
Reliance boss, Mukesh Ambani, owns the priciest residence in India, but not the priciest car. The most costly car, priced at Rs 14 crore, in India is owned by VS Reddy, Managing Director of British Biologicals.
VS Reddy, who is also the founder of British Biologicals, had once said in an interview to Evo India that it is his childhood dream to collect all the brands in the country.