If you thought that ham was an irreplaceable and unassailable type of meat, you will be surprised by what can be accomplished by brining turkey in sugar.
You've got the salt-to-water ratio down, but before you leave the bird to sit in the brine, there's a crucial part of the process that requires attention.
explode. we re getting tweets what you re up to this morning. my family brining turkey. comfy paws says the bird chilling in the sink. will get stuffed soon. get that picture up. there we go. i love it. he s watching fox & friends, up bright and early. a lot of people sending in fun pictures. somebody just baste me. we ll take care of that throughout the show. the female would be slaving over the stove while the man is in the recliner. send in your turkey pictures this morning. use fsthanksgiving as the hash tag. we ll look at your turkey pictures if you re up early. not just the turkey. your families, everything. we are talking turkey all morning and butterball is here to answer any questions you may have. janice stall from the turkey talk line is ready