Then antI we expect someOne who Is PrIme MInIster and a former DIrector Of PublIc ProsecutIons, whIch obvIously Is a role InvolvIng complete IntegrIty, to be someOne who Is an exemplar of those rules. ThIs Is not a party polItIcal poInt on conservatIve polItIcIans also have been guIlty of breachIng rules, stretchIng the rules beyond accepted boundarIes In relatIon to gIfts. It Is all partIes. You have a chance to have your say, get In touch wIth thIs. A lot of people acknowledgIng the whole thIng has been an own goal. George and plymouth, joy In south london, joy, what Is your reactIon . Is the case closed . Your reactIon . Is the case closed . ,. ,. , closed . Good mornIng. Can you hear me . Closed . Good mornIng. Can you hear me . Yes, closed . Good mornIng. Can you hear me . Yes, we closed . Good mornIng. Can you hear me . Yes, we can, closed . Good mornIng. Can you hear me . Yes, we can, fIre hear me . Yes, we can, fIre awa. Hear me . Yes, we can, FIre Away for hear me . Yes, we ca
it is 4:00 here in new york, 3:00 p.m. in des moines where in just a few hours, the doors will open at caucus locations across the state. and the first votes will be cast in the 2024 election. voters going to the polls today in 1600 precincts across all of iowa s 99 counties will do it in some of the most brutal conditions imaginable. tonight could be the coldest iowa caucus ever. windchills could gets a low as 45 degrees farenheit, that is freezing. that brutal cold is putting a damper on what is normally a frenzy of campaigning. trump campaign and haley campaign canceled three events, but it doesn t mean candidates aren t asking people to get out and vote. ex-president said even if you vote and then pass away, it is worth it. yes? he really said that. there is no early voting and no mail-in ballot, so all of it comes to turnout tonight. the last nbc des moines register poll released last night shows trump with a commanding 28 point lead. if he wins by anything close to th
Hello, im christian fraser. Youre watching the context on bbc news. The boss at bp is out over the partial story he told about his relationships in work. So what is acceptable in the workplace these days . Welcome back. The impeachment of bill clinton in 1998 for perjury and Obstruction Ofjustice was a truly earth shattering moment. But the decision taken yesterday by House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy to Impeachjoe Biden without even a vote on the floor was nothing of the sort. More the inevitable consequence ofjust how divided americas politics has become. Today, i am directing our House Committee to open a formal Impeachment Inquiry into president joe biden. This logical next step will give our committees the full power to gather all the facts and answers for the american public. Now heres what we know so far. Through our investigations, we have found that President Biden did lie to the american peoplel about his own knowledge of his familys foreign business dealings. Eyewitnesses have te