Murder convictions. And now theyre set to stand rial a third time on march 1th. But the case could be a lot more difficult to prrve this time. Onn of the key witnesses has died. Mexican priion. In court today, defense aatorneyy maintainnd their clieets are innncent. And are ready to go to trial. Jeef abell, foo 45,news at 5 30. The city fire deparrment recovers a womans body from the harbor in cantonn canton. Just beeore 5 this morning they got aacall for a person n the waterr n boston was pulled from the water and pronounced dead. Nooword on an identity. A prince georges ounty sheriffs deputy has shht and killed a man who police say happened wednessay night while officers wereetrying to serve a peace order at a home in riverdale. A female subject allowed the deputy into the homee. Oq and pronounced at the hospitta. Hospitallthe suspecc has 3hosp hospital. The suspect has not been identified but police ssy hes leave which issstandard ve procedurr in officerinnolved shootings. City poli
3 opponents say 3 popppnents say marijuana shou pnever e made legal. Thee all it he gatewaa drug to ee more harmfullillegal drugs. Keithhdaniels, ox 45 news at ten. Marijuana. Have. Been mmrried. For decadee. Decades. Use among children is g. Abuse. In 201more ttan 22 percent of high sccool enioos sayytheyve used pot during the past 30 days. Days. afewera ay theyve used cigarettes ddrrng the past 30 days days mosttpeople. Arrested. For. Drug posession. are. Found with poo. . More than. 48 percent of the people arrested. Innthe northeast. are arrrsted or. Having mar mariiuana. afara. More. Than. Any otter drug. On the list. Read more. On this story. By. Going to. The website. go. To. Foxballimore dot pom. And. Click on. Washington guardian. Under hot topics. Phat brrngs. Us to our question of hh day. Should we legalize marijuuna . Marijjana . This is our ffcebook page. Huunreds of yoo commented on this question tonight. Moot of you say it should be legalized. A few oo still oing on righ
MARTINSBURG — The Berkeley County Council PTA announced the county winners in the National PTA Reflections Art program at Spring Mills Primary on Thursday, March 28.