While, yes, we would love to see the Biden administration forced to do its job and maintain the southern border, granting those states standing to have the Supreme Court force their interpretation of federal law over the rest of the country is quite the slippery slope
By now, anyone with a political pulse knows about the Twitter Files. Thanks to their release, we have proof of what we long suspected: that the real collusion was between Big Tech and Big Government.
英國女王伊莉莎白二世本月8日在蘇格蘭巴摩拉城堡辭世,19日將舉行國葬,新國王查爾斯三世將國葬日訂為國定假日。許多企業都宣布當天將暫停營業,英國全境的1300間分店也宣布將於當天暫停營業,包含外送也暫停服務。英國女王伊莉莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)於8日辭世,國葬將於9月19日在倫敦西敏寺舉行。在葬禮舉行前會開放瞻仰遺容4天,接任登基的英國國王查爾斯三世也宣布,將國葬日訂為國定假日。