it knows. it saythe s unmanned drone was harassed and damaged by two russian fighter jets ove over w international waters.. it s all we have. we s all we have. we re going have to take re e their word for it. everybody else seems to be. lierybody else seems to be. lindsey graham didn t ask many penetrating questions. no, he moved immediately, seized the opportunity to demanthat thed the pentagon k the russian air he here he is . what we should hold them accountable and say that if you t nearever get near another upsa flying in international watersl. your airplane would be shot down.ld what would ronald reagan do right now? ronalhe would he would startn e shooting russian planes down if they were threateninreg our assets. what would ronald reagan do? good quewould ronald reagan do? oh, good. senator graham. ronald r. senator graham. question. senator graham, ronald reagan s two term presidency was notablen for the fact that he did not declare war on the russian
put, it s best if patients aredn treated by surgeons of. their own race. tucker, let met me ask you a question. if you are looking for a a surgeon for yourself and a loved one or a loved one , whata are you looking for in a surgeon skill? ? yeah, skill. ly. absolutely. whatwhat a about trust?r sk of course, i would say that after skill, probably the single most important thing that goes into providing good medicine is trust. a yes patient has to trust that the surgeon is not only competent and skilled, bute also has their best interests at heart and will do the bes t for him.o trus a surgeon, on the other hand , has to also trust the patientsuo that they will understand that the surgeon is doing his or herg best. yes, and dr. bozkurt, i wish weo had more time. i hope you ll come back forei a much longer conversation.on this matters more than almosn because i think this matters
Son dakika haberleri. Alkollü maganda husumetlisi yerine başkasını vurdu, bıçakla ölüp ölmediğini kontrole gitti Arkasından gelen aracın husumetlisine ait olduğunu düşünen alkollü maganda, sürücüyü başından vurdu Babasını ameliyat edecek olan doktorlarla görüşmeye giden Mustafa K.
Denizli’de arkasından gelen aracın husumetlisine ait olduğunu düşünen alkollü maganda, seyir halindeki sürücüyü başından vurdu. Ölüp ölmediğini kontrol etmek için bıçakla geldiklerinde yanlış kişiyi vurduklarını anlayan şehir magandalarının yaraladığı Mustafa K., babasını götüreceği ameliyat masasına kendi yattı. Yaralı şahıs, başından vurulduğunu sağlık ekiplerinden öğrendiğini söyledi.
Batı Karadeniz'deki sel felaketinde kaybolan 15 vatandaşın ismine ulaşıldı. Afetzedelerden 8'i Bozkurt'ta, 1'i İnebolu'da 6'sının ise Sinop'taki arama çalışmaları devam ediyor. Yaşanan sel felaketinde kaybolan Orhan Kalabalık'ın mahsur kalanlara yardım ederken, futbolcu Eray Çelebi'nin ise antrenman anında sele kapıldığı belirlendi.