Savvy shoppers might be the masters of coupon cutting and buying on a budget, but those aren't the only ways to save money. If you don't take advantage of all the life hacks available to you, you're.
Deepak Shahi, an eyewitness to the Nepal plane crash on Sunday, said that he and two-three other people heard a loud sound and rushed to the crash site. Upon ar
CANBERRA, June 21 (Xinhua) Some scholarly analyses on so-called Xinjiang forced labor lack transparent methodologies, reliable evidence and cogent legal basi
Kreis Warendorf/Berlin (osi) - Wie machen wir unsere Demokratie zukunfts- und krisenfest? Dazu unterbreitet der Geostratege Dr. Hubertus Hoffmann in seinem Buch 200 Reformvorschläge. „Die Glocke“ hat mit dem 65-Jährigen, der enge Bindungen in den Kreis Warendorf hat, über die „Mission Zukunft“ gesprochen.
Comédienne, chanteuse, poète, co-fondatrice du Festival de la parole poétique… Isabelle Moign est une artiste complète. Ne manquait à son palmarès que le roman pour lequel elle s’est découvert un.