On a trek to northern Laos via near impassable rivers and roads, braving longboats and buses that may never show, the journey itself becomes the adventure
NORWICH Town officials have announced a special meeting on May 2 for voters to elect two school board members, races for which were inadvertently left off Town Meeting ballots last month.Last week, the Norwich School Board authorized Town Clerk Lily.
The names Manu Tesone and Omer Trajman didn’t appear on Norwich’s Town Meeting ballot, but their fingerprints were all over Tuesday’s outcomes.Tesone and Trajman are the founders and pied pipers of a group called Stand Up For Norwich formed last.
For nearly 30 years, Norwich Town Clerk Bonnie Munday has issued dog licenses, recorded property transactions, handled election preparations and performed the other daily duties that come with the high-profile public office.As Munday, 65, heads into.