GREENVILLE In late April 2022 Gov. Janet Mills signed an “An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Increase Housing Opportunities in Maine by Studying Zoning and Land Use Restrictions” or LD 2003.
GREENVILLE The Northern Forest Center is currently working on a Spruce Street housing project with the town of Greenville,Moosehead Lake Region Economic Development Corp., and Northern Light CA Dean Hospital to bring middle-income housing to the community.
GREENVILLE The adjustments do not need to be made in the immediate future, but the Greenville Planning Board is looking to make a pair of amendments to its by-laws. One would align the document wording to the current meeting schedule and the other would change the meeting quorum from four to three members.
GREENVILLE One of two vacancies on the Greenville Planning Board has been filled. The Greenville Select Board approved the planning board’s recommendation of Brent Ireland during a July 19 meeting.