LINCOLNVILLE — During a relatively short Select Board meeting May 13, the board approved a request by the Lincolnville Historical Society to erect a sign at Lincolnville Beach displaying the
LINCOLNVILLE — The Select Board met with Maine Department of Transportation and the historical society, among others, in a 2 1/2-half hour meeting on April 22. The board also extended
LINCOLNVILLE — Eight citizens spoke at the Oct. 10 Lincolnville Select Board meeting to address the Route 1 rehabilitation and reconstruction project, expressing concerns about an expected increase in speeding
LINCOLNVILLE — The Select Board appointed Matthew Deane as Public Facilities director at its Sept. 25 meeting. Deane, a 23-year U.S. Coast Guard veteran, will take over for David Roundy
Several residents of Heather Hill Road attended the Lincolnville Select Board s Aug. 28 meeting to discuss the planned installation of high-speed internet on their street with fiber-optic cables that would