BERNARDSTON Sixty-four voters made quick work of the Annual Town Meeting warrant on Wednesday, passing all but two articles in less than an hour and a half.The last order of business, Article 32, which proposed making the Planning Board the sole.
$3M Fire Station addition, zoning bylaw changes to come before Bernardston Town Meeting voters
Last year, Frank “Bud” Foster donated to Bernardston his property at 12 Church St., in the foreground, which is adjacent to the present Fire Station, to use for a Fire Station addition. The four-bay garage would be built on this lot separate from the existing station, though it would be attached by an enclosed walkway. Staff File Photo/Paul Franz
Published: 5/3/2021 3:07:39 PM
BERNARDSTON With a proposed $3 million Fire Station expansion and potential zoning bylaw changes on the warrant, Annual Town Meeting will be held across two nights this year, on Wednesday, May 5, and Thursday, May 6.