The floor price set for the sale is Rs 490, a discount of 8% to the current market price. On Thursday, shares of the company ended 5.6% higher on the National Stock Exchange at Rs 531.80. The offer size is around Rs 515-833 crore, with 90 days of lock-in, and IIFL Securities is the broker to the deal, ETNow reported.
Strong selling pressure was seen in Makind Pharma stock after the deal as more than 2.15 crore shares traded on the NSE around 9:40 am. The traded value of the shares stood at Rs 3,964.18 crore around this time.
Entities owned by the private equity firm are likely to sell 3.34 crore shares, representing 1.1% stake in the lender. The floor price for the sale has been set at Rs 1,109 a share, a discount of about 2% from the current market price.
Honasa Consumer Share Price: The VC firm is offering 61 lakh shares or 1.9% stake in the personal care products maker. The deal is expected to be worth Rs 230 crore. The floor price for the sale is set at Rs 368.7-384.1 a share, representing upto 4% discount from the current market price.
The VC firm is offering 61 lakh shares or 1.9% stake in the personal care products maker. The deal is expected to be worth Rs 230 crore. The floor price for the sale is set at Rs 368.7-384.1 a share, representing upto 4% discount from the current market price.