Fischer: 'Allah is a demon god of darkness, violence, death, and destruction' Right Wing Watch December 23, 2011 Considering Bryan Fischer makes so much hateful noise, is it any wonder that it's relatively difficult to get in touch with him? More's the pity. I had hoped to correct him for his error and apprise him…
This investigation documents multiple cases of religious intolerance in northern Nigeria, providing insights into whether or not the holy scripture supports the death penalty for blasphemy and the position of the constitution and international frameworks on religious freedom.
An investigation by ICIR documents multiple cases of religious intolerance in northern Nigeria, providing insights into whether or not the holy scripture supports the death penalty for blasphemy and the position of the constitution and international frameworks on religious freedom. Usman is in his early thirties, a Christian convert, resident of Kano State.
In the second week of protests against MP Maulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali in Pakistan, Bishops and clergy of different Christian denominations and activists for fr