Blair Planning has received a $30,000 grant from the state Department of Environmental Protection for initial work on the first ever Blair County-wide stormwater management plan which is intended to help minimize flooding and stream pollution, while encouraging groundwater recharge. The grant for Phase 1 of the multi-year project will pay to outline the […]
In the coming months, the Blair County Hazardous Mitigation Committee will be surveying county residents in hopes of identifying problems that ought to be solved to make the community safer. The survey is part of an update of the county’s hazard mitigation plan, required every five years, committee Chairman and Blair Planning Director Dave McFarland […]
Blair Planning and Alleghenies Broadband Inc. will hold four public meetings this month to help identify gaps in broadband and cellphone service in Blair County, so they can target grants to help fill those areas. They want to know where reliable internet or cellphone service isn’t available due to lack of adequate infrastructure; they want […]