Bioterrorism is a growing threat, but simply throwing more money atthe problem or creating bigger and more complex bureaucracies isnot the answer. Providing sufficient resources for bioterrorismpreparedness is important, but without the right organization,strategies, and programs, these efforts will be inefficient andwasteful. Congress and the Administration should move to ensurethat the federal government is better organized to meet thechallenge.
jinping, the leader of china is the head of the army, but there is a way in which i think they operate separately here and they can t get away with that anymore. we have nukes on the brain, for obvious reasons. but you on this blue ribbon panel on biodefense, the idea that a bad actor could release some sort of bug, some sort of pandemic. is north korea part of that threat or where do you see the biggest worries? it could be. i don t have intelligence today to tell you that they are. i mean this commission is co-chaired by tom ridge, the former secretary of homeland security. we ve been at it now for a couple of years, we ve issued a couple of reports. this is focused on the biothreat two ways. one, a bioterrorist attack. and we know that isis and groups like that are working on the capability for a bioterrorist attack. of course, we have been attack with anthrax after 9/11. and the second, which is even more potentially disastrous, is