These are all ethical issues that have confronted Dr. Francis Collins as a man of science and of faith. The issues more recently included COVID mask and vaccine mandates. To many in the evangelical community, the pro-life appeals he made for the mandates have rung increasingly hollow, and his seeming inconsistencies have been bothersome.
These are all ethical issues that have confronted Dr. Francis Collins as a man of science and of faith. The issues more recently included COVID mask and vaccine mandates. To many in the evangelical community, the pro-life appeals he made for the mandates have rung increasingly hollow, and his seeming inconsistencies have been bothersome.
Como territorio fragmentado, alejado del continente y con una biodiversidad única, el archipiélago canario conforma una de las comunidades autónomas más vulnerables a los efectos del cambio climático. De ahí que la Consejería de Transición Ecológica, Lucha contra el Cambio Climático y Planificación Territorial del.