Former SDM Jeet Singh Rai said the staff at cement dealer Mohit Varshney’s shop ‘misbehaved’ with the officials when asked about the unloading of a truck and Varshney ‘might have been slapped’ in the chaos that followed.
The Aadhar card with the name ‘Baby Five of Madhu’ in English and ‘Madhu Ka Panchwa Baccha’ in Hindi has gone viral on social media after the matter came to light in a school in UP’s Budaun.
The matter came up on Saturday when Dinesh, a resident of Raipur village in Bilsi tehsil, reached the primary school to get his daughter Aarti admitted. A teacher, Ekta Varshney, denied admission to her, the officials said. The teacher asked Dinesh to get the Aadhaar card rectified. Madhu Ka Panchwa Baccha : Child Denied Admission in Government School in Uttar Pradesh s Badaun Over Unusual Name on Aadhaar Card.