Bank of America today announced more than $527,000 in grants to seven Oklahoma organizations to help drive economic opportunity for individuals and families in our region’s Native American communities.
Grants earned recently by seven Oklahoma organizations are intended to improve health care, spark economic development, or otherwise enhance quality of life in Native American communities.
Lissau, Shinn: Prioritizing physical and mental wellness across Oklahoma
Bill Lissau
Tony Shinn
The coronavirus has affected every facet of our lives, and many of those changes will last far beyond the current pandemic. One change is an ongoing urgency to prioritize physical and mental health, and we must collaborate to support each other, our communities and the world – we’re all in this together.
For our part, Bank of America invested in the health of Oklahomans by supporting health care organizations such as the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic, the Bedlam Clinic, and other vital caregivers at a time when demand far outpaced supply. We’ve also committed to helping slow the spread of the virus by distributing personal protective equipment through partners like Mental Health Association Oklahoma and United Way. These donations of more than 330,000 masks and 3,600 bottles of hand sanitizer are part of how we help Oklahomans protect themselves and others while keeping our state h