23 Apr 2021 : Nathan Griffin Apple and Netflix. Revenue has released details of the beneficiaries of Irelands Section 481 Film & Television Tax Relief Scheme for 2020 with Netflixs Vikings: Valhalla and Apples Foundation availing of the top bracket of tax relief.
Section 481is a tax credit, incentivising Film, Animation & TV production made in Ireland and is administered by Ireland s Revenue Commissioners (Revenue). It has proven hugely successful in attracting international production to Ireland and is a major driver of business and employment for those working in the sector as well as Ireland’s thriving studios.
The incentive applies to feature film, TV drama (singles or series), animation (excluding computer games), & creative documentary. Projects must either pass the Cultural Test or qualify as an official co-production under one of Ireland’s Bilateral Co-Production Treaties or the European Convention on Cinematographic Co-