Capt Amarinder Singh on Sunday announced the Punjab Lok Congress (PLC) candidates from 22 constituencies for the February 20 polls, with clear focus on winnability while ensuring due representation across regions and various sections of .
Capt Amarinder Singh on Sunday announced the Punjab Lok Congress (PLC) candidates from 22 constituencies for the February 20 polls, with clear focus on winnability while ensuring due representation across regions and various sections of society.
Punjab Elections 2022: Former CM Amarinder Singh s party announces first list of 22 candidates - Former Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Sunday announced his newly-formed Punjab Lok Congress’ first list of 22 candidates.
Former Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Sunday announced his newly-formed Punjab Lok Congress first list of 22 candidates for the upcoming Assembly polls in the state. "We are announcing 22 candidates in the first list," said Singh. Punjab Assembly Elections 2022: Punjab Lok Congress Announces First List of 22 Candidates, Captain Amarinder Singh To Contest From Patiala.