When prompted, enter one and zero to be entered into the queue. When you are called for Public Comment, please mute the device that you are listening to the meeting on, and when it is your time to speak, you will be prompt today do so. The number and the log in will also be scrolling across the screen. Public comment during the meeting is limited to three minutes per speaker unless otherwise established. Speakers are requested, but not required, to state their name. Sfgtv, please show the office of Small Business slide. Today, we will start with a reminder that the Small Business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions and concerns about policy that affect the Economic Vitality of San Francisco. The office of Small Business is your best place to get information about doing business in San Francisco during the local emergency. If you need assistance during this time, you can find us online or via telephone, as always, our services are free of charge. Before we get
8882733658, and the access code is 3107452. When prompted, enter one and zero to be entered into the queue. When you are called for Public Comment, please mute the device that you are listening to the meeting on, and when it is your time to speak, you will be prompt today do so. The number and the log in will also be scrolling across the screen. Public comment during the meeting is limited to three minutes per speaker unless otherwise established. Speakers are requested, but not required, to state their name. Sfgtv, please show the office of Small Business slide. Today, we will start with a reminder that the Small Business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions and concerns about policy that affect the Economic Vitality of San Francisco. The office of Small Business is your best place to get information about doing business in San Francisco during the local emergency. If you need assistance during this time, you can find us online or via telephone, as always, ou
When you have a question about what to do next. You can find us online or in person at city hall. All our services are free of charge. The Small Business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions and concerns about policies that affect the Economic Vitality of Small Businesses in San Francisco. If you need assistance with Small Business matters, start here at the office of Small Business. Thank you. Please call item 1. Item 1, call to order and roll call. [roll call vote] commission dooly is absent. Commission huie is running late. [roll call] you have a quorum. Thank you. Next item, please. Item 2, general Public Comment. Allows member of the public to comment on matters that are within the Small Business commissions jurisdiction but not on todays calendar and to suggest new agenda items for the commissions future consideration. Discussion item. I presentedd to on your binders a Public Comment that was received before the start of the meeting. That would be applic
The Small Business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions and concerns about policies that affect the Economic Vitality of Small Businesses in San Francisco. If you need assistance with Small Business matters, start here at the office of Small Business. Thank you. Please call item 1. Item 1, call to order and roll call. [roll call vote] commission dooly is absent. Commission huie is running late. [roll call] you have a quorum. Thank you. Next item, please. Item 2, general Public Comment. Allows member of the public to comment on matters that are within the Small Business commissions jurisdiction but not on todays calendar and to suggest new agenda items for the commissions future consideration. Discussion item. I presentedd to on your binders a Public Comment that was received before the start of the meeting. That would be applicable under general Public Comment. Great. Do we have to do anything to recognize that comment . Nope okay. So are there any members of
About policies that affect the Economic Vitality of Small Businesses in San Francisco. If you need assistance with Small Business matters, start here at the office of Small Business. Thank you. Please call item 1. Item 1, call to order and roll call. [roll call vote] commission dooly is absent. Commission huie is running late. [roll call] you have a quorum. Thank you. Next item, please. Item 2, general Public Comment. Allows member of the public to comment on matters that are within the Small Business commissions jurisdiction but not on todays calendar and to suggest new agenda items for the commissions future consideration. Discussion item. I presentedd to on your binders a Public Comment that was received before the start of the meeting. That would be applicable under general Public Comment. Great. Do we have to do anything to recognize that comment . Nope okay. So are there any members of the public who wish to speak on any matter that is not on todays agenda . Seeing none, comments