Malayalam director Kaladharan is back with his signature style of treading the subtle path of emotional family drama. His latest venture 'Granny' is now becoming the talk of the tinsel world.In a career that began in 1991, Kaladharan is known .
Aaraattu: Audio Rights Of The Mohanlal Starrer Are Sold For A Whopping Price!
Mohanlal, the complete actor is back in his mass hero avathar with the upcoming mass entertainer
Aaraattu. The B Unnikrishnan directorial has created quite a stir on social media with its location stills featuring leading man Mohanlal. If the latest reports are to be true, the audio rights of
Aaraattu have been sold for a whopping price.
According to the latest updates, popular banner Saina Videos has bagged the audio rights of the Mohanlal-B Unnikrishnan project for a whopping price. However.
Aaraattu still failed to beat the record set by
Mohanlal s Aaraattu Will Get A Grand Theatrical Release, Confirms B Unnikrishnan
Mohanlal, the complete actor of Malayalam cinema is currently busy with the shooting of
Aaraattu, the upcoming mass entertainer. In a recent interview given to a leading Malayalam media, director B Unnikrishnan confirmed that
Aaraattu will not go the OTT way. The director also stated that the Mohanlal starrer will get a grand theatrical release.
According to the filmmaker,
Aaraattu is a big project, that is made with a massive budget on a large scale. The Mohanlal starrer is being made for the masses, to be enjoyed on the big screen. So an OTT release is definitely not an option for the project, which is already making headlines with its promising first look poster and big star cast.