Bigg Boss 16 contestants are heading toward the grand finale next week. The viewers are having debates and discussions on social media platforms about the winner and runner-up. The majority of the audience predict that Priyanka Chahar will bag the trophy and MC Stan and Shiv Thakare will end as first and second runner-ups. Sumbul Khan got eliminated from the show in the
With each day passing, Bigg Boss 16 show is getting interesting with contestants fights and drama in the tasks. We can say that the show is all about Mandali vs Non-Mandali. Even BB16 viewers are watching the show from the same angle and slamming BB16 makers for supporting Mandali. They say that the BB16 makers are not pointing out Mandal’s mistakes in the weekend episode. We
Bigg Boss 16 viewers are enjoying contestants' high drama and fights inside the show. There are no more couple or relationship fights in the BB16 house after Tina's elimination. Bigg Boss 16 contestants are heading toward the grand finale in another few weeks. The contestants are playing "ticket to finale" and "prize money" tasks. Well, they are giving neck-to-neck competition
Hey, Bigg Boss 16 viewers here is the shocking news! Yes, it’s confirmed that Sumbul Khan was eliminated from the show. Sumbul’s elimination is unexpected and we can say it is a mid-week elimination. The sources say that the reason for Sumbul's elimination is her friends in Bigg Boss 16. It seems like Mandali ditched her in the ticket of the finale task. Priyanka Chahar tried
Bigg Boss 16 contestants are heading towards the grand finale week in the next few weeks. The contestants are bringing controversial content to the show. Bigg Bsos 16 viewers are having a discussion on Twitter over contestants' performance and behavior in the tasks. The recent changes in the house are keeping the audience glued to their televisions. Tina and Shalin’s word war