A Johnson City charged with killing a woman’s fetus that died after the man attacked her with a hatchet pleaded guilty Wednesday to second-degree murder in exchange for an 18-year
A Washington County Criminal Court Judge denied a bond reduction for a man facing charges of attempted murder of a woman and first-degree murder of her fetus who died as a result of the attack.
Dominique Marsalis Fleming, 28, who has lived in Kingsport and Johnson City, is jailed on a $500,000 bond after the pregnant woman lost her fetus after a north Johnson City trailer park beating.
The deadly assault took place Nov. 3, 2019, at Big Valley Trailer Park off the Bristol Highway. Neighbors called 911 after they found the woman with a severe head injury. She was taken to Johnson City Medical Center. Police said the fetus died because of complications from the womanâs injuries.
Jan. 21, 1893: The Daily American, a newspaper in Nashville and with a dateline of Johnson City, reported on people found frozen to death. âThe weather here for the past two weeks has been the coldest which has ever been known in East Tennessee, it being from 22 to 31 degrees below zero. This morning Sally Grant, an old lady, was found frozen to death in the road. F.B. Abernathy, a prominent merchant of Bakersville, N.C., arrived here today, and brought news of the finding of an old man by the name of Ellis dead at that place yesterday, he being found frozen to death and his body covered with snow. Several other persons are also reported to have been frozen to death near here.â