in 2010 than they re going to draw in 2020. i think they re aware of the trends and the democrats in d.c. has been don t overreach, draw a ten year map, be aware the country is becoming diverse and don t try to get greedy and draw too many districts in your favor. you mentioned arizona, i was looking at the list yesterday and saw there were states with certain population growths, phoenix skyrocketed and the northern cities that had slower growth picked up, chicago, new york, philadelphia, et cetera. so what trends jumped out at you, there s certain states becoming more valuable, areas we ll see shifting priorities from the two parties. yeah. so the fact that a lot of these big sun belt states, the population is moving out of the northeast, the midwest and into
primary competition or worrisome competition. by about may, the filing deadline will have passed in most of the states. the big sun belt states, florida, texas, california where we think the republicans who would support an immigration overhaul come from. so after may if those people feel politically at ease they will feel something moving. it could be happening really as late as september. some people are even talking about doing this in a lame duck session after the election. that s the only time politically where this sweet spot would happen. hanks etch have. great piece. thank you. and that s it for me. a healthy you and carol alt is next.