to see a boxing match. big results will come. last night, the meeting between president putin and myself was a great success except in the fake media. these comments came within 24 hours after his press conference with putin and did not try to clarify remarks in postsummit tweets nor back down in the interviews immediately after the summit. meanwhile, a shot of the statement the president was reading shows he wrote this there was no collusion. meanwhile, nbc news has reporting how that all came to be and who pressured the president to step out and make that statement yesterday including the vice president, the secretary of state. heidi, the president s statement yesterday that this was a misstatement, that it was a word problem sort of ignores everything else that happened on the stage in that press conference. ignores the fact he didn t say anything about it for 24 hours. even as he saw the coverage of what was happening. if you believed what he said
with putin tweeting so many people at the higher end of intelligence love my performance in helsinki. putin and i discussed many important subjects. we got along well, which truly bothered many haters who wanted to see a boxing match. big results will come. now it administration officials are complaining the progress made days ago in north korea, syria and ukraine aren t being covered. why are you covering everything that actually matters? there is more than election meddling. democrats who want to make sure the president didn t make any deals with putin and private are trying to haul the american translator who was with the president to a public hearing. democratic congressman bill pasquarello writes we need republican nomadic public testimony to ensure he did not further undermine our intelligence community. jeanne shaheen elaborates further. the russians seem to know what was said and what was agreed to. i think it s important for