On November 25, 2022, shortly before 10:00 p.m., Louisiana State Police Troop I was notified of a two-vehicle crash involving a bicycle on Bull Island Road just east of LA Hwy 682 (Lake Peigneur Road)
reports of cyclist crash and not come from seeds from attorney general jonathan is stepping in. he says as an industry player, you think ticketmaster would be well aware that these are probably going to be the most popular tickets or close to the most popular tickets they have ever had. a lot of mad people, carley. carley: and taylor swift to say the least. but the current price of diesel in the u.s., thank you, ashley, $5.34 a gallon. that is $1.72 more this time last year as fuel right before the winter months. president biden suggest requiring fuel suppliers to maintain minimum stockpile of diesel forcing them to take that supply off of the market. but critics say this will drive up demand and make diesel prices spike even higher. the president of apple oil, he joins me now. sam, good morning, the president suggesting that they use and