much, but they have, especiall paul and giuliani, remember the whole defense was going to be, yeah those other guys were lying, but we were just puttin it on very strong case cases against powell and giuliani in particular they are now set to go to tria and mid 2024, most cases lik this settle, and that s what was, there was this missed opportunity or possibility wit the trial itself with dominion but most cases settle, so yes, i suspect they would, bu dominion will have robus settlements. we ll see how big those umbrella policies are, right terry lippman, thank you ver much, i appreciate your time a always thank you in the next hour, congres woman reacts to the unthinkable. that we now have to think abou every day america s gun crisis later, the outburst of - reacts to her latest outrage it all starts now. and good day from msnbc world headquarters welcome to alex witt reports i m filling in for alex today, we will start with coach war front and center as the 202
given that fox has already sai the initial one and the fact that we have this bi smartmatic defamation lawsui also looming they got away with not havin to apologize or admit fault in the first settlement, but that effectively paved the way fo other companies to fill in and also try to extract the same if you go on the fox news case, the washington pos saying a secret mediator ste in at the last minute to facilitate the multi million dollar settlement. who is this person what happened during those final moments before the trial everybody wants to know. essentially, it is billionaire investment banke kind of guy, right i mean, it s so typical that this is the kind of person tha ends up mediating and brokerin this kind of deal. but it s also the kind of deal that, i think, fox would do. and it s interesting that it took - it wasn t the lawyers workin the south, this was a median