The BJP had initially announced Bhojpuri singer-actor Pawan Singh as its Lok Sabha candidate from Asansol but he expressed his inability to contest the poll. | Latest News India
India News: NEW DELHI: Bhojpuri singer Pawan Singh, who was fielded by BJP from West Bengal's Asansol for upcoming Lok Sabha elections by Bharatiya Janata Party (.
"I will contest elections to fulfil the promise made to my society, people, and mother. Your blessings and cooperation are expected. 'Jai Mata Di," he said on X.
The Delhi High Court restrained Bhojpuri singer and actor Khesari Lal Yadav from engaging with any company except Global Music Junction Private Limited for monetising new songs till September 30, 2025.
This incident may be just a tip of the iceberg as to what the plight of Adivasis in MP is in particular and other places in general. There are many cases of anti Adivasi atrocities as such.