A final year University of Fort Hare student, who sought urgent relief in court over a decision to fail him after he submitted his final practical assessments late, has been granted reprieve.
Medico-legal claims are claims based on medical negligence or malpractice, and last financial year it was reported that R6.5-billion was awarded in medico-legal claims. Recently the Department of Health in the Eastern Cape was sued for more than R35-
On 24 February 2023, Jason Brickhill delivered Equal Education’s inaugural Yoliswa Dwane Memorial Lecture at the University of Cape Town. In 2008, Yoliswa Dwane was a co-founder of Equal Education, the social movement dedicated to fighting to ensure the constitutional right to basic education..
A senior Eastern Cape official, who was fired from her national government job for allegedly masterminding the “theft” of three tonnes of perlemoen from government stores, said she would fight her axing at the labour court. Siphokazi Ndudane is steadfast in her conviction that she will remain head of the Eastern Cape department of rural development and agrarian reform (DRDAR) despite the premier’s earlier attempts to reverse her appointment.