answer hospital. bethesda, darcy spencer, news 4. toay vincent gray officialy begins his duties as mayor of d.c. at his inauguration ceremony yesteay, fenty presented h theeal to the city. he said during his time in office he will fus on three main issues, the budgetjobs and education. hwill continue to push to make the district ofolumbia the 51st state in the union. he said it will all work out if everyone work togethe whether ware black, white, red, brown, or yellow, whether we get around by car, bus, train, truck or bike, this one city, our city, theistrict of columbia. after the auguration, gray lebrated with aarty at the washington center. the godfather of go-, chuck brown. the them was reuting everyone under thene one city. welcome back. nice to have the gang back here. tom, welme back. good to see you. good to see you. it s january, and it certaily feels like it this morning. tempatures are cold. it s clear. no snow. there is no snow. so anybody who is up thi