Proposed Occupational Safety and Health Administration changes would increase requirements for training, equipment and more, and cost Alna more for firefighting, Fire Chief Mike Trask told selectmen April 25. He said the changes could decimate.
Alna joined the state Climate Resiliency Partnership on Thursday, Feb. 8 with the select board’s unanimous adoption of a resolution. By joining the program, the town becomes eligible for grants toward climate-focused municipal projects. Board member.
Oct. 19 in Alna, Second Selectman Steve Graham and Third Selectman Coreysha Śtone agreed to end the town’s enforcement action on a Golden Ridge Road boat ramp and settle with Jeff Spinney. For the town, the deal is more a surrender than a settlement.
Alna selectmen Aug. 10 named longtime resident Darcie Hutchins to the planning board over past planning board chair Jeff Spinney and past selectman Linda Kristan. Earlier in the meeting, on another topic, Spinney started to make a point about the.