La ministre du Commerce à une question parlementaire du député de la circonscription Port-Louis Sud/Port-Louis Central concernant les frais légaux lors du litige State Trading Corporation et Betamax Ltd. B/1532 The Honourable Second Member for Port Louis South and Port Louis Central (Mr Uteem) To ask the Honourable Minister of Commerce and Consumer Protection –
CHY & CHZ v CIA, Singapore International Commercial Court SICC expounded scope of curial interference in challenge to arbitral award on ground of contravention with public policy Singapore under Art. UNCITRAL Model Law as incorporated under Section 3 of International Arbitration Act.
CHY & CHZ v CIA, Singapore International Commercial Court SICC expounded scope of curial interference in challenge to arbitral award on ground of contravention with public policy Singapore under Art. UNCITRAL Model Law as incorporated under Section 3 of International Arbitration Act.
The Singapore International Commercial Court has declined an application to set aside an award made in a Singapore-seated arbitration under the auspices of the International Chamber of Commerce for being contrary to Singapore’s public policy.
This quarter's highlights include the coming into force of the cross-border distribution of investment funds regime, the European Commission's new AML / CFT action plan, .