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In a gigantic natural gas crater in Turkmenistan, called the "Gateway to Hell," Turkmenistan's strongman leader has instructed specialists to find a solution to extinguish a massive five-decade-old inferno finally.
A huge hole in the earth believed to be millions and millions of years old, attracts and mystifies residents in Yemen s isolated eastern desert region.
Those who reside near the Hell Pit, known as the Well of Barhout, believe that anything that gets close to it will be drawn in and will not be able to escape. In the public s mind, the hole is enormous. Extinct tongues fizz on chilly nights, according to Yemeni folklore, implying what may be hiding inside the hole.
Barhout Pit/Hell Pit
(Photo : Wikimedia Commons)
The Well of Barhout, located in the Yemen desert near the Oman border, is shrouded in mystery. The natural marvel, also known as the Well of Hell, is located in the Al-Mahra region and is 100 feet wide and 330 feet deep, while others believe it is as deep as 820 feet.