Officials say Robert A. Simonds, 30, was driving when his family's pickup truck hit a tree, and the children's mother, Ashley A. Corson, 29, was indicted on the same charges for what the district attorney described as "accomplice liability."
Officials say Robert A. Simonds, 30, was driving when his family's pickup truck hit a tree, and the children's mother, Ashley A. Corson, 29, was indicted on the same charges for what the district attorney described as "accomplice liability."
Scott Therrien said his son, Benjamin Scott Therrien, made no threat last week to harm others at the Hancock Lumber sawmill where he worked at the time, and that he'll plead not guilty to a charge of terrorizing.
Scott Therrien said his son, Benjamin Scott Therrien, 28, made no threat last week to harm others at the Hancock Lumber sawmill where he worked at the time, and that he will plead not guilty to a terrorizing charge.
Scott Therrien said his son, Benjamin Scott Therrien, 28, made no threat last week to harm others at the Hancock Lumber sawmill where he worked at the time, and that he will plead not guilty to a terrorizing charge.