While Punxsutawney Phil steals the spotlight, Texas has its very own weather-predicting critter: Bee Cave Bob the armadillo. Texans eagerly anticipate his predictions on February 2nd, showcasing their unique flair.
While Punxsutawney Phil steals the spotlight, Texas has its very own weather-predicting critter: Bee Cave Bob the armadillo. Texans eagerly anticipate his predictions on February 2nd, showcasing their unique flair.
The Texas Weather Center, experts in tracking and predicting storms, warns residents of potential snowfall due to the intensified El Nino pattern this winter.
The Texas Weather Center, experts in tracking and predicting storms, warns residents of potential snowfall due to the intensified El Nino pattern this winter.
While Punxsutawney Phil steals the spotlight, Texas has its very own weather-predicting critter: Bee Cave Bob the armadillo. Texans eagerly anticipate his predictions on February 2nd, showcasing their unique flair.