The year 2023 marked a splendid year for the renowned actress Jaya Ahsan. In addition to making her debut in Bollywood, she gained a series of accolades for her exceptional performance in “Ardhangini” and celebrated a decade in Tollywood.
In the ongoing discourse about the Bangladeshi and Indian film industries, Jaya stands out as a highly acclaimed actress. In a recent interview with The Daily Star following her award win, she discussed her achievement, recent projects, and more.
The actress, who won the Best Actress award at Festival de Saint -Jean-de-Luz, in France in 2019 for Rubaiyat Hossain’s ‘Shimu’, was announced the Best Actress in the National Film Award for her portrayal of her namesake this year. She will be taking home the award jointly with Jaya Ahsan (Beauty Circus).