to design part of a home. nothing at all. and i also try to keep things very, very, very affordable because my audience out there. these days if you want to say to somebody, i want you to spend your hard earned dollars on something, you really have to feel like you re giving them a great deal and bargain and this is an easy way to change your house without spending a lot of money and there s a lot of people out there, trying to figure. they still want a pretty house and things to be new now and then, but now, to be able to do it for a few hundred dollars is the trick. mike: we ve got the web up on the screen, joan and folks can find out about that. i want to talk about some of the experiences you ve had. i mean, you had an incredible presence, more than anyone else than anyone in daytime television. you have to have moments when you thought why do i get out of bed, worst time ever doing an interview? one time i was interviewing, i think, somebody from moscow and the russians didn