By Scott Thomas Anderson | Solving Sacramento Dre Benjamin, out front, and the NolaCal Second Liners, lead the Krewes and Kings of Queens Parade in Oak
The Los Altos author of the new book, 'The Better Man,' says Barbie's beleaguered suitor would feel better about the patriarchy if he practiced mindfulness and learned to deal with his feelings of rejection and anger.
The Los Altos author of the new book, 'The Better Man,' says Barbie's beleaguered suitor would feel better about the patriarchy if he practiced mindfulness and learned to deal with his feelings of rejection and anger.
The Los Altos author of the new book, 'The Better Man,' says Barbie's beleaguered suitor would feel better about the patriarchy if he practiced mindfulness and learned to deal with his feelings of rejection and anger.
The Los Altos author of the new book, 'The Better Man,' says Barbie's beleaguered suitor would feel better about the patriarchy if he practiced mindfulness and learned to deal with his feelings of rejection and anger.