faith that the american people could, in fact, to do great things. things as great as what is represented there by the lincoln memorial. and joining us now is someone who always gets me revved up, thinking about the possibilities of american greatness. barbara arou barbara arnewine, with the lawyer s committee for civil rights under the law. barbara, i am so pleased to have you here. because when we think about the great accomplishment that came 50 years ago, the 64 civil rights act, the 65 voting rights act. two years there this moment, what do we need to see, legislatively, in order to be able to say that we are truly moving forward? well, the most important things that we need to see, one is the restoration of the voting rights act. and that is absolutely imperative. and every america who s watching today should be on the phone, calling their congress. they should be tweeting. they should be demanding that congress passes a new voting
including the es and rx. this is the pursuit of perfection. looking out over so must have of these smiling faces. the last time i ve seen this many of us, bo connor was doing all the talking. i m melissa harris-perry. and i m here on the mall in washington, d.c. for the 50th anniversary of the march on washington. joining joy-ann reid of msnbc and barbara arnewine on the lawyer s committee, is jolani cob. help us out. we ve been trying to think about the legislative efforts going forward. but help me with the historical