warren see the bad news on the horizon, here is antonia felix, she is the author of elizabeth warren, her fight, her life. over the break, an interesting question, elizabeth warren is known as a policy person, right? this is how she kind of got where she was from her time as a bankruptcy professor, attorney in the crisis panel to now as a senator. does that pla i in a time of president trump, if you will? it plays now more than ever. here we have a candidate among this really exciting group of democratic candidates. we have someone who is very strong on policy, on substance and the groundwork for that is laid in her 34-year career as an academic as you noted who has been studying the economics of the middle class. she is proposing big ideas on
win back the midwest for the party, o i think you that that from her. zob list ben warren, a much angrier tone, saying she s seen as a bankruptcy professor when she was on the trail in iowa last night, she told the audience she wasn t even sure donald trump was going to be a free person by the time to so that really stuck out to me as well as, mika. yikeand you know, there s
elizabeth warren, his opponent, who is the brainchild behind the consumer finance protection bureau, she was in the dodd frank legislation. she oversought t.a.r.p. she wrote an amazing book about middle american income. she was a bankruptcy professor at harvard law. this is a big race. there s a lot of money, a lot of national attention. elizabeth warren had been polling down basically the whole race so far. scott brown is a very good politician, very able, incredibly relatable. had a a genuinely amazing story. his memoir is incredible. i would recommend it to anyone. the guy has an incredible personal forry. very effective politician. even though barack obama was up 22 points in massachusetts, that has really, it seems, shifted in the last two weeks. we ve seen poll after poll after poll with elizabeth warren up. there s been a definite shift in