two or people to keep your eye on i m really curious what happens with gary cohn. there s been some pressure on him from friends and former colleagues to leave given some of the things the president said regarding charlottesville. some of his former clients gathering up a petition very powerful. the other person i m really interested in is general mcmaster who is the national security adviser who you know feuded a good bit with ban oon and now that he s gone what happens with questions on north korea questions like iran. you saw the new york times this week that talked about iran effectively controlling iraq at this point. and that s a whole conversation we haven t even gotten into worried as we are things going on now in north korea, china and other places. meanwhile with steve bannon going back to breitbart was pretty much theage tart going after mcmaster and whether or not he should even be in that role and someone was trying to kneecap him basically and his effectiveness